Unit Study Approach
by Mary Leppert Early in our homeschooling, we lived in the South and attended a small homeschooling conference at a...
Tips On Homeschool Astronomy
By R. Brent Cochran So it’s come up again – that chapter on astronomy in your child’s Science book. To...
Why Teach Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “Little House” books to Boys and Girls
By Amy Ankrum, Emeritus Curator of the Wilder Museum Historical events such as the Homestead Act, the building of the...
Will It Matter in Ten Years?
By Karen Lange What do you do now as a homeschool family that will matter in ten years? Everything. Right?...
Ten Things That Have Kept Me Sane (sort of)
by Bette Solomon Our son, Bodie, just finished seventh grade, and I have homeschooled him for six and a half...
Accommodating the Wiggles of Homeschool Teenagers
By Dr. Ronald Johnson (1939-2018) All students are not alike, nor do they learn in identical ways. Most students who...
The Good Old Days
By P.H. Cerniglia I received an email from my grandfather; it was an ironic lamentation of times past in the...
Overcoming the Round, Red Syndrome
By Thom Kirk, Heirloom Acres Seeds Ask the average consumer to name the colors that a tomato comes in and...
Balancing Technologies To Create Safer Classrooms
By Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde, authors of EMF Freedom: Solutions For the 21st Century Pollution. Technologies have become teaching...
We Homeschool for Life
By Hallie Kemper When our kids were young, we believed we would be sending them to public school as soon...